Are There Serious Side Effects or Reactions?

February 13, 2007

Although allergy shots have been proven to be extremely safe when given properly, they do have the potential for rare but serious reactions. This is because your child's treatment involves exposure to the substances to which he or she is known to be allergic. A qualified allergist/immunologist will have all the medications and equipment necessary at the office to treat a serious reaction immediately.
Every time your child receives an injection, your doctor will have him wait 20 to 30 minutes in the office to make sure there is no adverse reaction. The doctor's staff will be watching for early signs and symptoms that may require emergency procedures and medications. If a severe reaction occurs, 98% of the time it will occur within 20 minutes of the shot and the reaction will usually respond to treatment with an injection of epinephrine (adrenaline). In the event of a severe reaction, the doctor will also most likely reduce the dosage of allergen the next time your child gets an injection to allow his or her system to build immunity more gradually.
Millions of people each year receive allergy shots in the United States without consequence; however, to ensure your child's safety, doctors recommend that immunotherapy be given in a controlled environment where the physicians and other health care personnel are trained to respond to an emergency. Board-certified allergists/immunologists have had a minimum of 5 years of training after medical school, which ensures that patients who have problems are cared for according to the highest standards.
In some cases, for convenience, the allergist/immunologist may work together with your child's primary care doctor so that some or most of the shots can be given by your child's doctor at his or her office.

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