Registration Information
Registration is limited to 150 persons. Priority will be given to members of the American Society of Anesthesiologists and the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists.
Registration Fees
The registration fee is $350 for ASA and SCA active members, $175 for ASA resident members and $800 for nonmembers. The fee includes Continental breakfasts, Saturday luncheon and reception/light buffet in the Exhibit Hall, and must accompany the registration form to guarantee enrollment.
Registration is encouraged by September 30, 2008, due to the popularity of this workshop.
Special Accommodations
If you have a disability requiring accommodation, please include a letter describing your needs and requirements at the time of your registration.
Hotel Rooms
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Hilton in Walt Disney World Resort at 1751 Hotel Plaza Boulevard in Orlando, Florida. Room reservations may be made directly with the hotel by calling 800/782-4414. To receive the ASA group rate of $179 Single/$199 Double, be sure to mention that you are attending the ASA meeting. Reservations will be accepted until September 30 or until the block is filled, whichever occurs first. The hotel is located approximately 25 minutes from the Orlando International Airport.
Further Information
For additional information, contact the ASA Executive Office at (847) 825-5586 or m.*******@as***.org.