Memorandum 01007

May 14, 2007

{mosimage}Quality Key for Exams
Dr. Ramaz Mitaishvili.
Family History.

Follow format and complete chart as directed: i.e. totals for number of siblings, living and dead; medical cause of death provided, or last known state of health; for cause of death avoid “Old age” or “natural” and if “unknown” explain reason. Indicate if applicant was adopted.

{mosimage}*Please by possibility provide information age of onset of disorder. For example, ” Mother was diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus type II at age 45
2. Examiners Signature.
Examination must be signed by the examiner. First and last name must be legible. Print or stamp below signature. Don’t forget title. Please be advised that effective immediately, per our office that if you didn’t completed paperwork on time you will be deducted the total amount of the service. Only nationally accepted standard medical abbreviations/acronyms should be used [as well with city& state abbreviations]. Local or field of work related abbreviations should be avoided. As an example, recently “PE” was used to identify “physical exam” by one of our doctors on the cover page of the medical chart, but interpreted as “pulmonary embolus” by the person who reviewed it. “PE” can also be used to indicate a number of other medical conditions, terms and medications. Be sure to clearly describe/document the information provided in the course of completing the paperwork to avoid discrepancies. Please remember to keep all air bills and/or log sheets on file with order paperwork retained at the branch. We are asked on daily basis to provide feedback on misdirected specimens and completed paperwork. In many instances, this is the single most important tool we have to verify we have to comply with the account instructions. When completing TVC services we are required to indicate the predicted values as well as the actual values measured by the spirometer. Predicted value charts for males and females are included with the spirometer kits available for use. Medical history completed as medical chart directs, including diagnosis, dates, duration, tests, results and etc. When “no”, please comment if patient or applicant refuses do give information.

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