Memorandum 01107

May 16, 2007

{mosimage}Dr. Ramaz MItaishvili
Quality Key
Persistent Microcirculatory Alterations

Failure and Death in Patients with Septic Shock. Microcirculatory alterations improved rapidly in septic shock survivors but not in non-survivors.

Persistent microcirculatory alterations were associated with MOF (multiple organ failure) and death, even though global hemodynamic and oxygenation variables were similar. Improvement in microvascular perfusion, as early as 24 hrs after the onset of shock, can be a good predictor of ICU mortality. OPS imaging can be useful to identify patients in septic shock with persistent microcirculatory alterations in whom microvascular recruitment may be an important therapeutic target. Microcirculatory alterations improve rapidly in septic shock survivors but not in patients dying with multiple organ failure, regardless of whether shock has resolved.

Summer and Errors
I have noticed an improvement in the quality of your work. As a reminder I would like to let you know that is always room for improvement and you still need to be careful with your paperwork. Also, now that the days are getting warmer I need to remind you that your attire needs to stay at a professional level. While there has been much improvement in the quality of paperwork it is still important you double4 and even triple check your work. We still have errors on medical exams and we still have room for improvement. Now that the summer time is here, we need to make sure that you are properly dressed, because you are representing yourself, but also RM Global Health. Make sure that you also try to keep as clean and pleasantly smelling as possible. Also, please make a note that medical personal collecting urine specimen, has to use dipstick when require and has to record findings before sending it in Lab. Attention to surgeons, please make sure to correctly describe minor surgery procedures- we still have complaints from billing department.
Patient’s Full name and when applicable, date of birth, social security number, driver’s license number, occupation, gender. *If Patient or Applicant does not have driver’s license, please be sure to ask about any pictured ID, including foreign. Social Security number can not be used for identification purpose.
2. Any substance use Tobacco of any type, nicotine patches or gum, alcohol or drug history, dates last used, amount of beverage, nicotine products on daily basis. Years since started and etc.
*For NYL Applicants, all nicotine users and persons who quit two or less years ago, ECG must be completed.
GE All Accounts
These accounts require that we complete the form 504 (ER)- for all cases, no eceptions- in their entirety. Also, HIV consent form must be signed!!!! There has been an increase reported in the number of times this not being done. This form [504ER] prints with the physical exam (on non-packet account orders) and any consent forms at the department with the order. FAILURE TO COMPLETE THIS FORM WILL RESULT IN REVENUE REDUCTIONS BEING APPLIED FOR ALL SERVICES COMPLETED ON THE ORDER.
John Hancock Account
For this account, signatures are required on the Medical Part C and the voucher. Account holders has reported an increase in missing signatures in these areas.
AMICA, All accounts
The AMICA account holder requires that we record the time of the applicant’s last meal without any references to fasting, or the lack thereof, being made to the applicant. [Their applicants are not required to fast before specimens are collected.

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