Quest Diagnostics Employer Solutions:Issue 56 – February 2008

March 12, 2008

Here’s to a Healthier 2008!  
  Getting healthier is consistently one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions. These days, it is not just individuals who set health goals, companies are also jumping on the health and wellness bandwagon. But are gym memberships and healthy snacks in the cafeteria really what it takes to get employees engaged and motivated about their own health?

Companies across the nation have discovered that a product from Quest Diagnostics called Blueprint for Wellness™ does what it takes to get their employee’s attention. This unique solution combines laboratory results with a health questionnaire to produce a true insight into an individual’s health. Often the program uncovers risks that participants were not even aware of.

“Many of our team members and their spouses had no idea that they had high cholesterol or were pre-diabetic,” says Joe Schuster, benefits manager for Domino’s Pizza.

In the 2007 Domino’s program, only 14% of employees self-reported that they thought they had high cholesterol, but the lab testing revealed that the actual number was 40%. Once aware of risks, employees are much more likely to take action to improve their own health, which in turn can significantly lower the company’s healthcare costs.

 Laboratory Results Can Change Lives

Accounting for less than 5% of medical costs, yet vital in determining 70% of treatment or care options, there is nothing more powerful than laboratory results when it comes to revealing hidden health risks and helping to motivate healthy behaviors. These results help physicians diagnose costly diseases including:

Cardiovascular/heart disease which affects 61.8 million in the United States at a cost of $351.8 billion annually
Diabetes which affects 22.9 million at an estimated cost of $132 billion annually
Prostate cancer whose related costs are an estimated $445 million annually
Thyroid, liver and kidney function related diseases

What is the Health of Your Organization?

In addition to providing employees with the tools and information to be better engaged in their own health, Blueprint for Wellness gives employers aggregate results that provide a picture of an organization’s overall health. Blueprint for Wellness provides employers with:

Strategic data providing an aggregated snapshot and quantifying future risks
Excess health cost summary for modifiable health risks
Return on investment data
Focus and benchmarking data to increase intervention impact

“The report summarizes our top high-risk conditions and gives us a listing of interventions we might want to offer to our employees,” said Natalie Jackson, Booz Allen Hamilton’s work-life program specialist. “This gives us some type of direction with where to go with the programs we offer.”

Serving Your Entire Organization

Blueprint for Wellness is a national wellness solution with an extensive delivery system. From over 5,000 mobile phlebotomists and 2,000 Patient Service Centers to the laboratory-specific health content within the 20-page easy-to-read personal wellness report Blueprint for Wellness offers the convenience and flexibility of event-based or Patient Service Center-based wellness screenings nationwide.

You trust Quest Diagnostics for quality employee screening to keep your employees safe, and now you can trust that same expertise to keep them healthy. From hire to retire, Quests Diagnostics provides complete solutions for all your employee screening needs.

Contact your sales representative, call 1-800-654-7824 or visit to help get your organization healthier in 2008.

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