CDC Makes Progress in Addressing Global Staffing Challenges

April 29, 2007

{mosimage}Global programs at CDC strengthen recruitment for challenging positions—epidemiologists, public health advisors, health scientists, medical officers, and others—based in CDC's Atlanta headquarters and in offices around the world.

Recent news reports have highlighted challenges associated with overseas placements. "The truth is that deploying staff overseas so that they can make a difference in public health is a long process with multiple sequential steps," said Crayton Lankford, Chief Management Officer, Coordinating Office for Global Health.
Currently CDC has 166 dedicated scientists and other public health professionals placed in strategic locations in 46 countries. Another 138 positions are approved to be filled but remain in some stage of processing. When necessary, CDC supplements this overseas workforce—for example, when other countries request assistance with disease outbreaks—by dispatching scientists on temporary duty.
CDC works continually to streamline the process for placing staff on long-term assignments in strategic locations around the world. Improved efficiency has been seen in recent weeks as a result of changes initiated by the Atlanta Human Resources Center (AHRC). In addition, COGH established an agency-wide Global Staffing Group to do critical planning and help expedite the recruitment, selection, and training for positions. COGH is also having more frequent collaboration with the AHRC to quickly address issues as they arise, and is in frequent communication with colleagues at the Office of Global Health Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services, which approves overseas assignments.
We've achieved the following milestones as of April 27, 2007:
  • A total of 166 full-time employees are on the ground and making a difference in public health in 46 countries.
  • CDC global programs have selected 26 individuals for positions and their overseas relocations are in process.
  • CDC global programs are currently considering eligible candidates to fill 22 additional overseas positions.
  • AHRC has announced 17 vacancies for which applications are being received.
  • AHRC has another 15 positions that will soon be open for applications.
  • Discussions are underway with the Department of State/USAID to gain approval for 34 additional positions.
  • Discussions are underway with the Department of Health and Human Services to approve 4 positions.
  • Other CDC overseas positions are in various stages of development by CDC global programs.

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