Take action toward fair Medicare anesthesia payment—

May 14, 2007
Ask your Representative to sign the McCollum/Weldon letter to CMS
Reps. Betty McCollum (D-MN) and Dave Weldon (R-FL) have joined together to write a Congressional sign-on letter to CMS asking for action from the Agency regarding the under-funding of anesthesia payments, and for the creation of updated payments during the 2008 rulemaking process. Please urge your Representative to help establish fair Medicare payment for anesthesiologists: ask him or her to sign this important letter.

You may reach out to your Representative through the ASA CapWiz site, or the Capitol Switchboard, (202) 225-3121.
Anesthesiologists have faced—and will continue facing—devastating cuts in Medicare payment unless action is taken. Congress and CMS must intervene and provide fair compensation so our nation’s seniors have continued access to high-quality anesthesiology medical care.
Please do not delay: contact your Representative today. Ask him or her to preserve senior’s access to anesthesiologists by signing on to the McCollum/Weldon letter to CMS.

Current cosigners:
Peter Welch (D-VT)
Solomon Ortiz (D-TX)
Dennis Cardoza (D-CA)
Henry Cuellar (D-TX)
David Wu (D-OR)
Bob Etheridge (D-NC)
Jo Bonner (R-AL)
Ruben Hinojosa (D-TX)
Ron Paul (R-TX)
Keith Ellison (D-MN)
Terry Everett (R-AL)
Virgil Goode (R-VA)
James Walsh (R-NY)
Ron Klein (D-FL)
Pete Sessions (R-TX)
Todd Platts (R-PA)
Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX)
Jim Ramstad (R-MN)
David Davis (R-TN)
Mike McIntyre (D-NC)
Sam Farr (D-CA)
Jon Porter (R-NV)

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